Nut and Seaweed Snack Mix

  1 cup sunflower seeds
  1/4 cup raw Brazil nuts or almonds
  nama shoyu soy sauce, to taste
  5 large sheets raw nori, or 1/2 cup Bull Kelp Flakes or 6 Premium Bull Kelp Fronds,        cut (with scissors) in bite size pieces or thin strips.
  2 tablespoons wasabi powder
  1/2 teaspoon salt


1. Cover the sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts in nama shoyu sauce. Drain off excess nama shoyu. Add the nori, wasabi, and sea salt to the seed and nut mixture.  Mix together by hand.

2. Spread thinly on a baking tray. There are two options from this point that do not require a dehydrator.  The first is to let it air-dry. This will take a few hours and require that you put it in a well-ventilated area while it is drying. 

3. The second is to set it in your oven on its lowest setting with the door open for 1 hour or so.  Please make sure before choosing this option that your oven has a setting low enough that will allow its contents to remain under 115 degrees Fahrenheit. 

My oven’s lowest setting is 50 degrees Celsius, but having taken a thermometer and left it in there for a while with the door open, the food did not get anywhere above 40 degrees Celsius. In the same way that a turkey can be put in a hot oven and still be half the temperature after 8 hours baking in there, this recipe will stay raw even if the temperature setting on the oven is higher than "raw" temperatures.

Source of recipe:  Recipe is from the ebook, "Raw Foods for Workers, Students, and Others a Bit Short on Time and Money".

Serves: 4