12 Spice with Seaweed
Easy to make. Adds loads of Flavourful Spices to any dish!

Sprinkle onto Soups, Salads, Pasta to Pizza!

1 TBL quality Kelp powder or Flakes. (source: www.bckelp.com)
1 TBL organic dry orange peel powder
1 TBL toasted sesame seeds
1 tsp. ginger powder
1/2 TBL black chia seeds whole
1/2 tsp. poppy seeds whole
2 TBL cumin powder
1 TBL coriander powder
1 tsp. nutmeg powder
1 tsp. cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp. cardamom powder

Mix all ingredients together.

Place in a glass jar with a lid in cupboard away from direct heat and light.
keeps many months.
Label and date your 12 Spice with Seaweed.

Recipe by: BC Kelp
Wild Sea Veggies